The Aims of the Society
The aims of the Society are to discuss and promote study and research in Education by:
Ensuring the quality and status of research and scholarship in Educational Studies
Encouraging debate and discussion especially on educational policy issues
Acting as a public voice for Educational Studies especially in responding to critical attacks on the quality and integrity of the field
Recognising distinction in the field of Educational Studies by the award of ‘Fellow of the Society for Educational Studies’ - FSES
Sponsoring the world class publication - the British Journal of Educational Studies as a vehicle to promote the above aims
Officers of the Society
Prof. James Arthur OBE
University of Birmingham
Deputy Chair
Dr. Tom Harrison
University of Birmingham
Professor Sally Power
Cardiff University
Honorary Treasurer
Prof. Gaynor Attwood
University of West of England
Editor, British Journal of Educational Studies
Prof. Andrew Peterson
University of Birmingham
Professor James Arthur OBE
Professor Gaynor Attwood
Professor Hazel Bryan
Professor James Conroy
Professor John Haldane
Dr Tom Harrison
Dr Lottie Hoare
Dr Gurpinder Lalli
Professor Jane Martin (co-opted)
Professor Stephen Parker
Professor Andrew Peterson
Professor Sally Power
Dr Richard Race
Professor Lynn Revell